Fiona Llewellyn Counselling

Learning about relationships

All relationships have different stages and people seek support at different times. At any time it can be helpful to seek relationship counselling. This provides the opportunity to look at ourselves , how we communicate, the ideas that we have about how the 'other' should be, the history that we carry with us regarding relationships that impacts on the present and the filters through which we 'hear' the other.

It may be you are at the start of a new relationship but are finding that past experiences are seeping in such as able to trust the other, or it could be you are about to make a commitment to each other by living together or getting married, Alternatively it may be that your relationship is under pressure from issues such as the birth of a child, loss of job, moving locations, coping with elderly parents or children leaving home. It could also be that you have decided that the relationship isn't working and want to find a way to manage the ending. All of these stages involve change and we all struggle to deal with change.

Couples therapy can help as it provides a space to focus on the relationship outside of the demands of everyday life. I work in a way that provides an opportunity for you to see what the underlying issues truly are and to support you to find solutions

"You think that because you understand 'one' you must also understand 'two' because one and one make two. But you must also understand 'and'Jung

"Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it"Rumi

The cost for an initial appointments lasting 90 minutes for couples counselling £120.

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